where had i been the last few weeek ?????????????
well, in the hospital and then at home ..bedridden !
Hyperermesis Gravidarum is what the doctors callled my symptoms...and then i was kept on IV fluids for 4 days......the vomiting wouldn't stop......and then once it was a bit better i was put on regular medication....................this is sure is different from the regular morning sickness that people have....and all this while i got calls from family and friends ...each female relating to her pregnancy and morning sickness...have some ginger, keep eating...the advice came on and on.......but how on earth could i explain them that this was different...much worse than the morning sickness they experienced......it's impossible to keep anything down..ANYTHING.......wish someone would understand my plight.........i have wept and wept in these months until there was no strength to cry.....the anti nausea medicines make me sleepy and drowsy and disorientated at times.....i am sick and tired or everything ....i dont have the strength to walk or talk and today....this is after a month that i have gained strength to sit up and type.....and while i type this i am sick and dizzy and will rush to the loo any moment to vomit once again.....all days pass in oblivion.....i had not imagined pregnancy to be this painful.....never...
the medication i am on is cyclizine, thiamine, folic acid and domperidone.
cyclizine is the anti sickness medicine that leaves me sleepy and dizzy........but i have no choice but to take it as that is the only way some food stays inside....
i haven't been to work since last month and am living a vegetable existence at home......6 more months to go .........hopefully the nausea will subside after the 4th month and then i shall be back to nornal again....hopefully i will smile again.